Apr 26, 10:55 PM
As much as I wish it would happen, I doubt Apple has fully internalized that the glossy glass screens were a horrendous design decision. I bet is it'll be two more years until they will be forever phased out, along with the enormous black bezels on the majority of products. But Apple is typically slow in realizing their mistakes, no surprise given their successes.
Point well taken. You're probably right but i'm still hoping that they at least cut down that huge bezel. Also I would hope that they make that SSD standard.
Point well taken. You're probably right but i'm still hoping that they at least cut down that huge bezel. Also I would hope that they make that SSD standard.

Apr 12, 03:40 PM
Taken from the top of Mount Leconte in Great Smoky Mountain National Park.
Great shot! I may have to try the black and white conversion on my shots from Cliff Tops. I had no idea what I was doing when it came to photography when we hiked Leconte a couple years ago, so they are nothing special in their original form. I can't wait to get back there sometime in the future. How recently was this taken?
Great shot! I may have to try the black and white conversion on my shots from Cliff Tops. I had no idea what I was doing when it came to photography when we hiked Leconte a couple years ago, so they are nothing special in their original form. I can't wait to get back there sometime in the future. How recently was this taken?

Apr 26, 12:09 PM
Of course they are.
This kind of thing has to be paid for somehow. Common options:
1. Pay subscription
2. Ad supported
3. Loss-leader to help sell something profitable.
This rumor is suggesting that Apple is going with a combination of 1 and 3.
This kind of thing has to be paid for somehow. Common options:
1. Pay subscription
2. Ad supported
3. Loss-leader to help sell something profitable.
This rumor is suggesting that Apple is going with a combination of 1 and 3.

Aug 15, 12:53 PM
I believe icerabbit was referring to a feature to restore an item to its original location once putting it in the trash. Windows has this feature in the recycle bin and it's a handy little feature.
This isn't to do with Time Machine as the user has not yet deleted the item from the Trash and the system.
If so, that's a feature Macs had up until OS 9 (it was called Put Away) and it was nice--I'd be glad to have it back. Undo usually meets this need for me, but not always. (I think Put Away also worked for files you dragged onto the desktop.)
This isn't to do with Time Machine as the user has not yet deleted the item from the Trash and the system.
If so, that's a feature Macs had up until OS 9 (it was called Put Away) and it was nice--I'd be glad to have it back. Undo usually meets this need for me, but not always. (I think Put Away also worked for files you dragged onto the desktop.)

Jan 31, 02:51 PM
Applecare for my 27" iMac. Have had this machine for around 5 months and all of a sudden i have noticed a Black Smudge on the lower right side of the screen. I have seen a lot worse on the iMac forum however it is something which constantly annoys me and something i cannot live with. They will be calling me either tonight or tomorrow which is awesome.
Applecare for my 27" iMac. Have had this machine for around 5 months and all of a sudden i have noticed a Black Smudge on the lower right side of the screen. I have seen a lot worse on the iMac forum however it is something which constantly annoys me and something i cannot live with. They will be calling me either tonight or tomorrow which is awesome.

May 4, 09:37 AM
But no, they can't announce it in June and release in September. This isn't software, this is a hardware refresh. Availability follows announcement by 2-3 weeks tops. Otherwise, you won't hear about it.
I understand what you are saying but remember that Apple was able to do it with the iPad, a product that has sold incredibly well during a time that it was less known than the iPhone itself. It could happen.
People keep saying that it might be a September release but it could arrive much sooner. AT&T admitted not knowing when the next iPhone will be launched. So it could be late July or mid August... or September but that would be awful.
One last thing. A lot of people waited for a white iPhone 4 (announced ten months before!) and it is still selling despite the fact that a possible refresh for the product might be around the corner.
I understand what you are saying but remember that Apple was able to do it with the iPad, a product that has sold incredibly well during a time that it was less known than the iPhone itself. It could happen.
People keep saying that it might be a September release but it could arrive much sooner. AT&T admitted not knowing when the next iPhone will be launched. So it could be late July or mid August... or September but that would be awful.
One last thing. A lot of people waited for a white iPhone 4 (announced ten months before!) and it is still selling despite the fact that a possible refresh for the product might be around the corner.

Mustafa Monde
Dec 1, 04:25 PM
iAdware is an ugly development to-be-sure, but not a big an scary one. As most Mac users know, proof of concept is not the same as actually having this kind of thing happen in the wild.
Still, Apple should take this seriously and anticipate similar developments in the coming months. If something like this does take off, it'll likely be through spoofing type sites and so on. For now I'm not going to loose any sleep over this and trust that Apple, as it angles itself-towards dominance in the marketplace, won't make the same blunders MS did with their buggy OS.
Apple knows that MS has them in their sights and any slip would be exploited. You can just see them shouting from the rooftops, "My Gawd, Apple has viruses, malware and adware!" as if that paralleled the umpteen thousands of virus developed to exploit their own sub-par software.
I suspect it's being looked into now by Apple's security team with an update to emerge long before this pup is found in the wild.
Still, Apple should take this seriously and anticipate similar developments in the coming months. If something like this does take off, it'll likely be through spoofing type sites and so on. For now I'm not going to loose any sleep over this and trust that Apple, as it angles itself-towards dominance in the marketplace, won't make the same blunders MS did with their buggy OS.
Apple knows that MS has them in their sights and any slip would be exploited. You can just see them shouting from the rooftops, "My Gawd, Apple has viruses, malware and adware!" as if that paralleled the umpteen thousands of virus developed to exploit their own sub-par software.
I suspect it's being looked into now by Apple's security team with an update to emerge long before this pup is found in the wild.

Sep 12, 11:13 PM
You bought a shirt from Israel? And you live in the states? :confused:
I didn't buy it. A friend of mine from Israel bought it online for $13 and just shipped it to MA. So simple, isn't it? ;)
I didn't buy it. A friend of mine from Israel bought it online for $13 and just shipped it to MA. So simple, isn't it? ;)

Nov 20, 08:58 PM
Whom am I trying to convince?
It doesn't matter. You're not convincing anybody. Calling a CEO a communist because their product doesn't do what you think it ought to do is pretty goofy.
Illogical and irrational people who worship Steve Jobs and hate what he hates? Such people will not care or listen to any form of reason.
You're not listening. I gave four very good -- and rational -- reasons why Flash is a bad idea for iOS. You haven't countered that reasoning. You give us things like a "communist" rant that has no business in this kind of discussion. You are the one acting in an irrational fashion here.
No, I talk about an option to turn Flash on or off at will and you find it offensive to even offer an option.
If Apple did that, then they would be staking the security of iOS Safari to Adobe. And Adobe has proven to be thoroughly incompetent in securing their products. Security experts believe that Adobe is going to surpass Microsoft as the #1 target for security attacks. (http://www.grc.com/sn/sn-231.htm): "The expectation is, among the security community, that Adobe this year, in is going to surpass Microsoft as the number one target for attacks due to the continuing problems."
Adobe still thinks that quarterly updates is good enough for their software. Clueless. As security expert Steve Gibson notes: So how is that quarterly update going for you? (http://www.grc.com/sn/sn-237.txt)
Everything you fear would be avoided if someone just turned Flash OFF
Please explain how you can possibly ensure that not a single iOS user will not lose anything the next time there's a zero day Adobe bug (http://www.grc.com/sn/sn-237.txt). You can't.
No, I just don't see any point in trying to carry on a logical, rational discussion with someone whose "argument" is based purely on emotion.
See above. My arguments are rational. OTOH, you are the one who labeled Steve Jobs as a "communist dictator" in message #45 of this discussion.
That argument is purely based on emotion, it is purely nonsensical, and it is entirely wrong.
You owe the community an apology for your "communist" rant. It has no business in any rational discussion here.
Many millions of people have Flash installed on their Macs (let alone those using Windows and Linux) and they could remove it. They know that if they do, some web sites will cease to function properly and thus they leave it on.
This is not a problem for the owners of the 120M+ iOS devices. Nobody forced them to buy an Apple iOS product. Many of them are quite happy that they never have to deal with Flash at all. If there's something they need to do, they can look in the App Store for an app to do that.
Note: despite asking you multiple times, you have yet to tell us of a SINGLE FLASH APP that doesn't have a reasonable alternative in the app store.
Millions of users on Macs AND Windows AND Linux also don't give a rat's ass about a single Flash app. They have installed click-to-flash blockers on their computers to muzzle flash.
Apple doesn't even ship Flash on their newest computers (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1034486&highlight=macbook+air+adobe). It's a safe bet that Apple won't ship Flash at all with 10.7 version of the OS.
Even Adobe has seen the handwriting on the wal (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1039999&highlight=adobe+html5)l. They are now offering code that generates HTML5 instead -- for those hundreds of millions of computers that don't offer Flash. Websites will probably cut over to that completely, because they can never tell who has muzzled their Flash apps with click-to-flash on laptops and desktop computers.
Other than a small number of legacy programmers, nobody cares about flash any more.
Those flash hangers-on have been resorting to bizarre emotional arguments -- they claim that Steve Jobs is a communist dictator (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=11453056&postcount=45). That is a truly bankrupt argument -- the last gasp from those defending a dying platform.

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It doesn't matter. You're not convincing anybody. Calling a CEO a communist because their product doesn't do what you think it ought to do is pretty goofy.
Illogical and irrational people who worship Steve Jobs and hate what he hates? Such people will not care or listen to any form of reason.
You're not listening. I gave four very good -- and rational -- reasons why Flash is a bad idea for iOS. You haven't countered that reasoning. You give us things like a "communist" rant that has no business in this kind of discussion. You are the one acting in an irrational fashion here.
No, I talk about an option to turn Flash on or off at will and you find it offensive to even offer an option.
If Apple did that, then they would be staking the security of iOS Safari to Adobe. And Adobe has proven to be thoroughly incompetent in securing their products. Security experts believe that Adobe is going to surpass Microsoft as the #1 target for security attacks. (http://www.grc.com/sn/sn-231.htm): "The expectation is, among the security community, that Adobe this year, in is going to surpass Microsoft as the number one target for attacks due to the continuing problems."
Adobe still thinks that quarterly updates is good enough for their software. Clueless. As security expert Steve Gibson notes: So how is that quarterly update going for you? (http://www.grc.com/sn/sn-237.txt)
Everything you fear would be avoided if someone just turned Flash OFF
Please explain how you can possibly ensure that not a single iOS user will not lose anything the next time there's a zero day Adobe bug (http://www.grc.com/sn/sn-237.txt). You can't.
No, I just don't see any point in trying to carry on a logical, rational discussion with someone whose "argument" is based purely on emotion.
See above. My arguments are rational. OTOH, you are the one who labeled Steve Jobs as a "communist dictator" in message #45 of this discussion.
That argument is purely based on emotion, it is purely nonsensical, and it is entirely wrong.
You owe the community an apology for your "communist" rant. It has no business in any rational discussion here.
Many millions of people have Flash installed on their Macs (let alone those using Windows and Linux) and they could remove it. They know that if they do, some web sites will cease to function properly and thus they leave it on.
This is not a problem for the owners of the 120M+ iOS devices. Nobody forced them to buy an Apple iOS product. Many of them are quite happy that they never have to deal with Flash at all. If there's something they need to do, they can look in the App Store for an app to do that.
Note: despite asking you multiple times, you have yet to tell us of a SINGLE FLASH APP that doesn't have a reasonable alternative in the app store.
Millions of users on Macs AND Windows AND Linux also don't give a rat's ass about a single Flash app. They have installed click-to-flash blockers on their computers to muzzle flash.
Apple doesn't even ship Flash on their newest computers (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1034486&highlight=macbook+air+adobe). It's a safe bet that Apple won't ship Flash at all with 10.7 version of the OS.
Even Adobe has seen the handwriting on the wal (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1039999&highlight=adobe+html5)l. They are now offering code that generates HTML5 instead -- for those hundreds of millions of computers that don't offer Flash. Websites will probably cut over to that completely, because they can never tell who has muzzled their Flash apps with click-to-flash on laptops and desktop computers.
Other than a small number of legacy programmers, nobody cares about flash any more.
Those flash hangers-on have been resorting to bizarre emotional arguments -- they claim that Steve Jobs is a communist dictator (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=11453056&postcount=45). That is a truly bankrupt argument -- the last gasp from those defending a dying platform.

Sep 13, 02:22 PM
Yes..... gotta love the Hoeegarden.
A BevMo just opened up down the street from me, and they have beer tastings on Fridays from 4-7. So good.....
Mmmm WHO-GAR-TEN. So deelish. I remember when I first read the label, "coriander" scared me (I absolutely abhor the stuff), but whatever they put in there is fine with me as long as it keeps tasting the way it does. I love white beers. My cheap alternative is Rickards white, but you've got to throw lotsa orange peel in there to imitate the light poppiness of Hoegarden.
Sometime soon I've gotta visit the Bier Garden down at the Esplanade and sample, well, everything.
A BevMo just opened up down the street from me, and they have beer tastings on Fridays from 4-7. So good.....
Mmmm WHO-GAR-TEN. So deelish. I remember when I first read the label, "coriander" scared me (I absolutely abhor the stuff), but whatever they put in there is fine with me as long as it keeps tasting the way it does. I love white beers. My cheap alternative is Rickards white, but you've got to throw lotsa orange peel in there to imitate the light poppiness of Hoegarden.
Sometime soon I've gotta visit the Bier Garden down at the Esplanade and sample, well, everything.

May 3, 08:31 AM
Since when has the iMac had a TFT display? I thought it had an IPS display??
It's LCD TFT IPS LED. All of it.
For a comparison, the old 20" 2007 iMac was LCD TFT TN CCFL.
It's LCD TFT IPS LED. All of it.
For a comparison, the old 20" 2007 iMac was LCD TFT TN CCFL.

Jul 28, 08:21 AM
Have any microsoft products ever been seen as 'cool'?! lol
Apple has done something VERY important with the iPod. They made it cool, especially among teens thru college-aged kids. Whenever I'm in an Apple store, it's very obvious just how strongly Apple is going after this demographic and I think it's paying off.
Have any microsoft products ever been seen as 'cool'?! lol
Apple has done something VERY important with the iPod. They made it cool, especially among teens thru college-aged kids. Whenever I'm in an Apple store, it's very obvious just how strongly Apple is going after this demographic and I think it's paying off.

Mike Teezie
Mar 31, 08:28 PM
That is hideous.

Apr 14, 05:25 PM
iPad 1st Gen - 593.4 MB :)
Sent from my Verizon iPhone 4 using Tapatalk
Sent from my Verizon iPhone 4 using Tapatalk

Apr 25, 11:43 AM
I'm ready to transition to a sandy bridge iMac with a multidrive thunderbolt enclosure! Bring it on!!

May 3, 08:53 AM
Wow amazing!
Quad core on the low end and a decent gpu.
I'm in.
I thought they would nerf the gpu if they went quad on the low end.
Quad core on the low end and a decent gpu.
I'm in.
I thought they would nerf the gpu if they went quad on the low end.

Mar 31, 11:24 AM
Dont like it. Simple as. Do it again apple, you can do better.

Oct 24, 08:28 AM
i bought a MBP 2 weeks ago and its just about to be delivered?
i want a one of the new upgraded ones, just my luck!
anyone with some tips?
thanks in advance
i want a one of the new upgraded ones, just my luck!
anyone with some tips?
thanks in advance

Oct 23, 04:07 PM
This is actually an incorrect report that Microsoft has tried to correct, but it keeps getting reported.
Not exactly. This is a correct report that Microsoft has tried to cloud and cover up. Essentially, Vista will be licensed on a two-machine basis, with some basic restrictions (like all software has). Nothing new there.
What's new, and what is actually a correct report, is that MS has addressed the use of their OS in a virtual environment which was never completely addressed before in their EULA and terms of use. Because virtual environments are technically different than system installs, it was a grey area. Now they are explicitly banning such use for users of any version other than the premium level. Whether or not it will be "technically" illegal, but still possible, or if it will be impossible without piracy, remains to be seen.
It's not particularly earth shattering or shocking one way or the other. All companies have their dirty little ways to make an extra buck or keep you paying them long after you should. Apple does it too.
From a business perspective, it's really not a terrible strategy by MS if they want to keep customers. The Intel Mac switch has opened the door for PC diehards to take the plunge to a Mac without the risk of being away from their cherished Windows environment. Making Vista difficult, or at least expensive, to install on these new Macs is actually not a bad strategy for MS to keep some customers iffy about making the switch. Sucks for us, but it's certainly not the first time it's been done, by MS, Apple, Adobe, or any other company.
Not exactly. This is a correct report that Microsoft has tried to cloud and cover up. Essentially, Vista will be licensed on a two-machine basis, with some basic restrictions (like all software has). Nothing new there.
What's new, and what is actually a correct report, is that MS has addressed the use of their OS in a virtual environment which was never completely addressed before in their EULA and terms of use. Because virtual environments are technically different than system installs, it was a grey area. Now they are explicitly banning such use for users of any version other than the premium level. Whether or not it will be "technically" illegal, but still possible, or if it will be impossible without piracy, remains to be seen.
It's not particularly earth shattering or shocking one way or the other. All companies have their dirty little ways to make an extra buck or keep you paying them long after you should. Apple does it too.
From a business perspective, it's really not a terrible strategy by MS if they want to keep customers. The Intel Mac switch has opened the door for PC diehards to take the plunge to a Mac without the risk of being away from their cherished Windows environment. Making Vista difficult, or at least expensive, to install on these new Macs is actually not a bad strategy for MS to keep some customers iffy about making the switch. Sucks for us, but it's certainly not the first time it's been done, by MS, Apple, Adobe, or any other company.
Jan 27, 06:53 AM
http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/5308/sonyhtss37001.jpg (http://img163.imageshack.us/i/sonyhtss37001.jpg/)
i bought it on friday and man the sound is amazing=D!!! the only thing missing is that i have to buy a HDMI Switcher for my PS3:) so i can enjoy my blu-ray movies/concert on my 32" TV and it all fitted in my room hehe:P
isn't that the htss370...that should have 3 hdmi inputs and one output...you don't need a switcher
i bought it on friday and man the sound is amazing=D!!! the only thing missing is that i have to buy a HDMI Switcher for my PS3:) so i can enjoy my blu-ray movies/concert on my 32" TV and it all fitted in my room hehe:P
isn't that the htss370...that should have 3 hdmi inputs and one output...you don't need a switcher
Sep 30, 07:04 AM
I used to live in NYC when the technology was just TDMA, it was piss poor then.
AT&T had terrible service then, and the New York State AG wanted to sue them for overselling their service.
In 2005 AT&T was passing out 3G SIMS like raffle tickets in phones that weren't 3G -I need some internal wireless guru to tell if that extra hand-off doesn't make a difference.
Does the 2007 iPhone (2G) having better call performance versus the iPhone 3G?
What percentage of all 3G devices on the AT&T platform is the iPhone 3G?
Is there something wrong in the code for the iPhone's 3G implmentation of the protocol that makes it use more of the network compared to a Blackberry Bold?
Or does AT&T just keep scapegoating iPhone cause they finally have a product that no other U.S. carrier has and everybody appears to want.
AT&T had terrible service then, and the New York State AG wanted to sue them for overselling their service.
In 2005 AT&T was passing out 3G SIMS like raffle tickets in phones that weren't 3G -I need some internal wireless guru to tell if that extra hand-off doesn't make a difference.
Does the 2007 iPhone (2G) having better call performance versus the iPhone 3G?
What percentage of all 3G devices on the AT&T platform is the iPhone 3G?
Is there something wrong in the code for the iPhone's 3G implmentation of the protocol that makes it use more of the network compared to a Blackberry Bold?
Or does AT&T just keep scapegoating iPhone cause they finally have a product that no other U.S. carrier has and everybody appears to want.
Jason Beck
Apr 11, 10:54 PM
Sorry about cutting my hand off, I was holding the camera too with my other hand.
Sorry about cutting my hand off, I was holding the camera too with my other hand.
May 1, 08:31 PM
I think me and jav6454 are tied at one vote each.
Jav voted first, which would be the tiebreaker I believe.
Jav voted first, which would be the tiebreaker I believe.
Mar 31, 11:44 AM
way to go prioritizing cartoony graphics to chew up my valuable screen real estate instead of giving me something useful like a to-do list.
Oh Apple Mail has a To Do list. And Notes. But the Calendar is a separate app, as is the Address Book. So why not also have a separate To Do and Notes application? Oh, because they're stored as special formatted email messages in Mail.app, that's why. So how about integrating Calendar and Address Book better in Mail. It's a mess.
Oh Apple Mail has a To Do list. And Notes. But the Calendar is a separate app, as is the Address Book. So why not also have a separate To Do and Notes application? Oh, because they're stored as special formatted email messages in Mail.app, that's why. So how about integrating Calendar and Address Book better in Mail. It's a mess.
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